Spirit Signs

© 2024 Sharon Butz

All Rights Reserved

Welcome to Spirit Signs

Spirit Signs is a new website I just started creating a ​few months ago. The name was revealed in my ​mind many years ago while I was standing in my ​kitchen. There were so many things going on in my ​life at that time and I never pursued it.

As I was experiencing so many challenges the last ​three years, I continued to believe that it would ​become a reality one day when I was ready. The ​time has come!

This will be a work in progress! I will continue to add ​as I go.

watercolor pink bouquet with roses

39 Days started out to be about my 39 ​days in two hospitals, but quickly became ​much more. I realized that it related to my ​whole life and not to just a 39 day hospital ​stay.

39 Days highlights my personal journey ​through many life changing events up to ​today.

I am hopeful the reader will find it not only ​entertaining, but will be able to relate to ​some of my experiences as life is indeed ​a process for all of us.

Available on Amazon. Click on the book to ​be taken there.

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Trance Medium ​​for the Beautiful Spirit

Dr. James Martin Peebles

Since December 4, 1994

If you feel that your emotions could be affecting ​your health, your success in life, or your ​relationships. If you feel like something is ​sabotaging your best efforts to move ahead in ​life. THE EMOTION CODE™, THE BODY CODE™, ​and THE BELIEF CODE™ offer a simple and ​quick process to identify and release the stuff ​that’s holding you back, so you can move on to ​the next exciting step in your unique journey ​through life.

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